Review Policy

I am more than happy to consider e-books (.mobi only) and printed books for review. Please read the following before sending me your book for review.

I prefer to read young adult, new adult, and adult titles and while I consider myself open when it comes to what genres I read, I have a preference for

My reviews will be posted on
-A Bookish Balance

Expect 100% honesty when it comes to my reviews with any criticism of the constructive variety.

I am not someone who tends to push through books that I do not enjoy, so I cannot guarantee that I will read your book to its entirety. I will read at least 20% of your book, and if I do not finish your book will still post a Goodreads “review”, though any mentions on A Bookish Balance or Instagram will delayed and “reviewed” in bulk alongside other books I have not finished, with an explanation of why I did not finish the book.

It takes me approximately one week to read a 350 page novel, plus an extra day to write out my review.

If you would like me to consider your book for review please contact me at abookishbalance {at}